Monday 11 April 2011

Title re-think ?!?

Hey guys, ben was talking to me on how the title "missing people" its a bit..... wel... it sucks basically, so i was thinking of us all brainstorming ideas for like anew name... i mean if we cant come up with anything better then "missing people witll have to do.... :/ but i was thinking of something more subtle as our existing title kinda gives the game away before it starts. maybe something just plain like "Simon" as the tile like "chucky" "handcock" "solomon kane" "bolt" "shaft" "Robin Hood" "harry potter" all have the main charcters name as the title...x or we could call it something like
Blog 345 - so it tells the audience how many blogs he has done, so at the start when he goes im just doing my weekly blog it sort of makes more sense and then at the end the audience can relate to him as to why hes missing his family as hes been done so long.... u know, remember to make ur own contributions

katy x


  1. have we decided on the title of 'Simon' because I need to know for the credits
