Friday 22 April 2011

This is the same scene as before, just with a 'mouth 0'
comment on these please people, i need your feedback!

Turnarounds For Simon

I don't know if Glenn has given some of these to Katy already, but sorry its taken me a while to post them up :) 
from Yasmin x x x

Granda a.k.a the rocking chair

 Matts chairs redone. Hey matt for the bible all the background for the images has to be white however cuz of the programme u did it on when i tried to make the background white it made the whole image white, so ive taken them onto photoshop and gone over the lines in black. However the isometric view was too small of a file so i had to redraw the whole thing from scratch. I also need different poses from the furniture so i drew one rocking aswell. Katy x

many faces of Simon

The faces of simon i had to change and edit in Photoshop :P ~Katy x
Katy x

Thursday 21 April 2011

Hey guys, this is a scene from the animation, as it's currently looking.
I need comments by everyone to say if there is anything you think we need to change!
At this point I think i'm going to add 2 more mouths - somehow mouth 7 of 9 has disappeared, so im going to try and add that in again. And also i think we need a mouth 0 - a mouth which is just plain, rather than leaving Simon with no mouth for periods.
What do you think?
Ben x

Front and back profiles of Simon

By Katy x
dw about it Yasmin, i took ur old designs of simon and edited them x :)

Monday 11 April 2011

Title re-think ?!?

Hey guys, ben was talking to me on how the title "missing people" its a bit..... wel... it sucks basically, so i was thinking of us all brainstorming ideas for like anew name... i mean if we cant come up with anything better then "missing people witll have to do.... :/ but i was thinking of something more subtle as our existing title kinda gives the game away before it starts. maybe something just plain like "Simon" as the tile like "chucky" "handcock" "solomon kane" "bolt" "shaft" "Robin Hood" "harry potter" all have the main charcters name as the title...x or we could call it something like
Blog 345 - so it tells the audience how many blogs he has done, so at the start when he goes im just doing my weekly blog it sort of makes more sense and then at the end the audience can relate to him as to why hes missing his family as hes been done so long.... u know, remember to make ur own contributions

katy x

dvd designs - basic colour boxs

Hey i cant do like finished versions of them with pictures on because no-one has sent me the final designs!!!! So if you want this done you best get posting them up so i can get hold of them, i mean i have asked on more than 5 occasions now. Katy x

Key - ORANGE = text
          BLUE = small images like of family members
          PINK = title
          PURPLE = big picture of simon perhaps
         YELLOW = little image
         GREEN = side title

i will post other three up when i find my USB


p.s i emailed andy and he gave us a list of the items needed for the dvd - i will post this up later

Monday 14 March 2011

Final Animatic

This is the final animatic for the project :)
This is very useful so please use it
ben x
People this is what the padded room will look like :)
Katy & Ben x

Tuesday 8 March 2011

Live Action Footage (to be recorded again though!)

Guys, this is the original recording we were working towards for our first animatic.
We are going to put more cut-scenes into our animatic, so their will be a new live action footage video uploaded in about a week's time.

Use this for our new animatic to look at the backgrounds we are using. However use the animatic (which i am uploading after this) for the timing of the new animatic.

Sunday 6 March 2011

padded cell 2

i saw that when i enlarged it there were little bitty things of pen and smudges so ive tried to clean it up a bit...
do you think this one looks better?
Katy x

padded cell

Hey finally got round to posting this ^_^'
if you think it needs to be changed in anyway please let me know so i have time to change it before it is needed. ty

By Katy

Tuesday 1 March 2011

End credit song/theme

 Below are a group of sounds taken from These sounds are possibilities for our ending credits, some are a little too eerie but i think they will all work. Everyone should leave their opinions at the bottom (comment!) to which one(s) you think are better or worse and which one should be used as our end credit song. Although Ben and me get the final say but we will take your pinions into our consideration when choosing. Remember our end credits are only 27.5 seconds long and these songs/themes below are about 3 minutes long so point out which segment of each song would work best, for example "0.30-0.57 of sound 1"

Sound 1 - Mewtwo Suite - TyrannicalFascist -

Sound 2 - Atriumcaceri- End titles -

Sound 3 - Dead Silence music - only music -

Sound 4 - Deeply emotional and depressing music

Sound 5 - Stigmata movie - sad music -

Sound 6 - Sad Violin -

Sound 7 - melancholy - sad piano and violin music -

remember to comment :)

Katy x

Monday 28 February 2011

Final Script (pretty much...)

Videos himself as a video-log
Simon:                        “Hey guys, you alright? Just doing my weekly log!                                    6
Simon:                        “I’m here with my family today… so let’s go say hello!                       

            Walking over to Granddad                                                                                             2

Simon:                        “Hey Granddad!”                                                                                    13
Granddad:            “Hey Simon, doing your weekly log again I see?                                   
Simon:                        “Yes I am, Ha-ha! How ya doing?”                                                           
Granddad:            “Just watching a bit of Antique’s Roadshow, don’t you just love daytime TV?!”                                                                                               
Simon:            “Yeah, quality stuff gramps”                                                                       
Simon:            “Right, let’s go and see Dad now”                                                           

             Walking over to Dad                                                                                                     3

Simon:             “Hey dad, how you been?”                                                                                 7
Dad:             “Meh…so, so, and yourself?”                                                                       
Simon:             “Yeah doing well”                                               

Videos himself on walk to Mum                                                                                   9
Simon:                        “Sorry about Dad, he’s just lost the TV remote…”                                   
Simon:                        “Ooo, Mum’s in the kitchen…let’s go see what she’s cooking!”           

            Walking over to Mum                                                                                   
Mum:             “Oh hello Simon, how have you been dear?”                                                     12
Simon:             “Im doing alright mum, whatcha cooking up today then?”                       
Mum:            “Ooo, your favourite Simon, Spaghetti Bolognese”                       
Simon:            “Ahhh nice…Haven’t had a good Spag-Bol in aaaaaages”           
            Walking over to table                                                                                                  13
Simon:            “Right, I think that’ll be enough for today people, check back in a weeks time! See you later guys!

Places the camera on the table, and walks over to Granddad                                20
Simon:                        “Gramps can you see the TV from there? I can move you?                       
Granddad:            “Oh would you boy…That’d be great son.                                               
            Moves Granddad (Armchair) (added 3 seconds)
Granddad:            “Aren’t you seeing your girlfriend today?”                                               
Simon:                        “Naa, she’s got some family thing”                                                           
Granddad:            “Ahhh well…anyway when am I going to meet this young lady of yours?                                                                                                           
Simon:                        “You will Granddad…You will…”

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Much like Space Jam, this is obviously good research material...

Space Jam

I assume all of you have seen this film, but its get research material :)

Dark Knight

This video shows shakes of the hand-held video recording, this is what we want it to look like.


 Guys this is my script at the moment.

Video Himself

Walks over to Granddad
Granddad Conversation
Walks over to Dad
Dad Conversation
Himself over to Conversation/Walkover to mum
Mum Conversation
Puts camera down on table/End of video-log
Walk over to Granddad
Granddad Conversation
Background Changes to Padded Room
Carries on Conversation with Granddad
Stops and looks depressed

Videos himself as a video-log
Simon:                        “Hey guys, you alright? Just doing my weekly log!                                    3
Simon:                        “I’m here with my family today… so let’s go say hello!                        2
            Walking over to Granddad (added 2 seconds)
Simon:                        “Hey Granddad!”                                                                                    1
Granddad:            “Hey Simon, doing your weekly log again I see?                                    2.5
Simon:                        “Yes I am, Ha-ha! How ya doing?”                                                            2.5
Granddad:            “Just watching a bit of Antique’s Roadshow, don’t you just love daytime TV?!”                                                                                                3
Simon:            “Yeah, quality stuff gramps”                                                                        1.5
Simon:            “Right, let’s go and see Dad now”                                                            2
             Walking over to Dad (added 1 second)
Simon:             “Hey dad, how you been?”                                                                        1.5
Dad:             “Meh…so, so, and yourself?”                                                                        2.5
Simon:             “Yeah doing well”                                                                                    1
Videos himself on walk to Mum
Simon:                        “Sorry about Dad, he’s just lost the TV remote…”                                    2.5
Simon:                        “Ooo, Mum’s in the kitchen…let’s go see what she’s cooking!”            3
            Walking over to Mum
Mum:             “Oh hello Simon, how have you been dear?”                                                2.5
Simon:             “Im doing alright mum, whatcha cooking?”                                                1.5
Mum:            “Oohoo, your favourite Simon, Spagetti Bolognese”                                    3
Simon:            “Ahhh nice…”                                                                                                2
            Walking over to table (added 4 seconds)
Simon:                        “Right, I think that’ll be enough for today guys, see you later!            3
Places the camera on the table, and walks over to Granddad (added 2 seconds)
Simon:                        “Gramps can you see the TV from there? I can move you?                        2.5
Granddad:            “Oh would you boy…That’d be great son.                                                2.5
            Moves Granddad (Armchair) (added 3 seconds)
Granddad:            “Aren’t you seeing your girlfriend today?”                                                1.5
Simon:                        “Naa, she’s got some family thing”                                                            2
Granddad:            “Ahhh well…anyway when am I going to meet this young lady of yours?                                                                                                                                    3.5
Simon:                        “You will Granddad…You will…”                                                            2

TOTAL:                                                                                                                        65

Possible sounds:
TV buzz
Cooking (Frying)
Granddad chair when it’s being moved (squeaky and thud when landed)
Record beep at the start
Camera/hand noises
Very quiet music of Antiques Roadshow

Joker video in Dark Knight
Final Destination 2
Shutter Island
Space Jam – Ed Jones
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Videos himself as a video-log                                                 CU
Simon:                        “Hey guys, you alright? Just doing my weekly log!                                   
Simon:                        “I’m here with my family today… so let’s go say hello!                       
            Walking over to Granddad (added 2 seconds)                        Pan/Zoom LS
Simon:                        “Hey Granddad!”                                                                                   
Granddad:            “Hey Simon, doing your weekly log again I see?                                   
Simon:                        “Yes I am, Ha-ha! How ya doing?”                                                           
Granddad:            “Just watching a bit of Antique’s Roadshow, don’t you just love daytime TV?!”                                                                                               
Simon:            “Yeah, quality stuff gramps”                                                                       
Simon:            “Right, let’s go and see Dad now”                                                           
             Walking over to Dad (added 1 second)                                    Pan MS
Simon:             “Hey dad, how you been?”                                                                       
Dad:             “Meh…so, so, and yourself?”                                                                       
Simon:             “Yeah doing well”                                                                                   
Videos himself on walk to Mum                                                CU
Simon:                        “Sorry about Dad, he’s just lost the TV remote…”                                   
Simon:                        “Ooo, Mum’s in the kitchen…let’s go see what she’s cooking!”           
            Walking over to Mum                                                            Pan/Zoom MS
Mum:             “Oh hello Simon, how have you been dear?”                                               
Simon:             “Im doing alright mum, whatcha cooking?”                                               
Mum:            “Oohoo, your favourite Simon, Spagetti Bolognese”                                   
Simon:            “Ahhh nice…”                                                                                               
            Walking over to table (added 4 seconds)                        Pan/Zoom CU
Simon:                        “Right, I think that’ll be enough for today guys, see you later!           
Places the camera on the table, and walks over to Granddad (added 1 second)                                                                                    Static/ExLS
Simon:                        “Gramps can you see the TV from there? I can move you?                       
Granddad:            “Oh would you boy…That’d be great son.                                               
            Moves Granddad (Armchair) (added 3 seconds)            Static/ExLS
Granddad:            “Aren’t you seeing your girlfriend today?”                                               
Simon:                        “Naa, she’s got some family thing”           
Granddad:            “Ahhh well…anyway when am I going to meet this young lady of yours?                                                                                   
Simon:                        “You will Granddad…You will…”                                                                                   

Hand-Held Shots
The hand-held movie camera first saw widespread use during World War II, when news reporters took their windup Arriflexes and Eyemos into the heat of battle, producing some of the most arresting footage of the twentieth century. After the war, it took a while for commercially produced movies to catch up, and documentary makers led the way, demanding the production of smaller, lighter cameras that could be moved in and out of a scene with speed, producing a "fly-on-the-wall" effect.This aesthetic took a while to catch on with mainstream Hollywood, as it gives a jerky, ragged effect, totally at odds with the organised smoothness of a dolly shot. The Steadicam (a heavy contraption which is attached a camera to an operator by a harness. The camera is stabilized so it moves independently) was debuted in Marathon Man (1976), bringing a new smoothness to hand held camera movement and has been used to great effect in movies and TV shows ever since. No "walk and talk" sequence would be complete without one. Hand held cameras denote a certain kind of gritty realism, and they can make the audience feel as though they are part of a scene, rather than viewing it from a detached, frozen position.

Used Shots
Himself                                    6
Walking to Granddad            2
Granddad                                    13
Walking to Dad                        3
Dad                                                5-6
Walking to Mum                        9
Mum                                                10
Walking to Table                        12
Walking to Granddad            2
Granddad                                    12-15

File 1 (47)
Himself                                    6            6
Walking to Granddad            2            8
Granddad                                    13            21
Walking to Dad                        3            24
Dad                                                7            31            1 SEC LONG
Walking to Mum                        9            40           
Mum                                                12            52            2 SEC LONG
Walking to Table                        13            65
Walking to Granddad           
Granddad                                    31            91

File 2 (48)
Himself                                    7            7
Walking to Granddad            3            10
Granddad                                    11            21            2 SEC SHORT
Walking to Dad                        4            25
Dad                                                6            31           
Walking to Mum                        9            40
Mum                                                11            51            1 SEC LONG
Walking to Table                        11            62
Walking to Granddad           
Granddad                                    34            96

File 3 (50)
Himself                                    7            7
Walking to Granddad            3            10
Granddad                                    13            23           
Walking to Dad                        3            26
Dad                                                8            34            2 SEC LONG
Walking to Mum                        8            42           
Mum                                                13            55            3 SEC LONG
Walking to Table                        11            66
Walking to Granddad           
Granddad                                    30            96

Not going to go with File 3 (50), as it has the two biggest cuts from what we originally wanted, plus it is the longest clip.
I’m also ditching File 2 (48) for File 1 (47), as the 2 Seconds off the Granddad dialogue I feel will be harder to cut down than it would be to add dialogue.

Chosen clip: File 1 (47)

Forgot to tape character at the end
Talk but just not show character
Have character in camera but occasionally looking behind him to watch for tripping.

File 1 (47)
Himself                                    6            6
Walking to Granddad            2            8
Granddad                                    13            21
Walking to Dad                        3            24
Dad                                                7            31            1 SEC LONG
Walking to Mum                        9            40           
Mum                                                12            52            2 SEC LONG
Walking to Table                        13            65
Walking to Granddad           
Granddad                                    31            91

Videos himself as a video-log
Simon:                        “Hey guys, you alright? Just doing my weekly log!                                    6
Simon:                        “I’m here with my family today… so let’s go say hello!                       
            Walking over to Granddad                                                                        2
Simon:                        “Hey Granddad!”                                                                                    13
Granddad:            “Hey Simon, doing your weekly log again I see?                                   
Simon:                        “Yes I am, Ha-ha! How ya doing?”                                                           
Granddad:            “Just watching a bit of Antique’s Roadshow, don’t you just love daytime TV?!”                                                                                               
Simon:            “Yeah, quality stuff gramps”                                                                       
Simon:            “Right, let’s go and see Dad now”                                                           
             Walking over to Dad                                                                                    3
Simon:             “Hey dad, how you been?”                                                                        7
Dad:             “Meh…so, so, and yourself?”                                                                       
Simon:             “Yeah doing well”                                               
Videos himself on walk to Mum                                                                        9
Simon:                        “Sorry about Dad, he’s just lost the TV remote…”                                   
Simon:                        “Ooo, Mum’s in the kitchen…let’s go see what she’s cooking!”           
            Walking over to Mum                                                                                   
Mum:             “Oh hello Simon, how have you been dear?”                                                12
Simon:             “Im doing alright mum, whatcha cooking?”                                               
Mum:            “Oohoo, your favourite Simon, Spaghetti Bolognese”                       
Simon:            “Ahhh nice…Haven’t had a good Spag-Bol in aaaaaages”                       
            Walking over to table                                                                                    13
Simon:                        “Right, I think that’ll be enough for today guys, see you later!           
Places the camera on the table, and walks over to Granddad            20
Simon:                        “Gramps can you see the TV from there? I can move you?                       
Granddad:            “Oh would you boy…That’d be great son.                                               
            Moves Granddad (Armchair) (added 3 seconds)
Granddad:            “Aren’t you seeing your girlfriend today?”                                               
Simon:                        “Naa, she’s got some family thing”                                                           
Granddad:            “Ahhh well…anyway when am I going to meet this young lady of yours?                                                                                                                                   
Simon:                        “You will Granddad…You will…”                                                           

Voice Roles:
Simon – Glenn
Granddad – Ben
Dad – Matt
Mum – Yasmin