Friday 22 April 2011

This is the same scene as before, just with a 'mouth 0'
comment on these please people, i need your feedback!

Turnarounds For Simon

I don't know if Glenn has given some of these to Katy already, but sorry its taken me a while to post them up :) 
from Yasmin x x x

Granda a.k.a the rocking chair

 Matts chairs redone. Hey matt for the bible all the background for the images has to be white however cuz of the programme u did it on when i tried to make the background white it made the whole image white, so ive taken them onto photoshop and gone over the lines in black. However the isometric view was too small of a file so i had to redraw the whole thing from scratch. I also need different poses from the furniture so i drew one rocking aswell. Katy x

many faces of Simon

The faces of simon i had to change and edit in Photoshop :P ~Katy x
Katy x

Thursday 21 April 2011

Hey guys, this is a scene from the animation, as it's currently looking.
I need comments by everyone to say if there is anything you think we need to change!
At this point I think i'm going to add 2 more mouths - somehow mouth 7 of 9 has disappeared, so im going to try and add that in again. And also i think we need a mouth 0 - a mouth which is just plain, rather than leaving Simon with no mouth for periods.
What do you think?
Ben x

Front and back profiles of Simon

By Katy x
dw about it Yasmin, i took ur old designs of simon and edited them x :)